
郭小伟 高级工程师








郭小伟,博士,高级工程师。主要从事青藏高原高寒草地碳水循环研究及草地生态系统水土气生监测工作。获 “中国科学院西部青年学者”、“青海省自然科学与工程技术学科带头人”、“青海省昆仑英才拔尖人才”荣誉称号,主持国家重点研发计划专题项目2项、国家重点基金子课题1项、国家民用空间基础设施陆地观测卫星共性应用支撑平台项目子课题1项、国防科工局高分卫星地面验证项目1项、国家基金委青年基金1项,中国科学院西部之光人才项目1项,青海省重点研发国际合作项目1项,青海省面上基金1项,中国科学院修购项目3项,发表论文122篇,其中SCI论文58篇,获批专利26项,获青海省科学技术成果6项,地方标准3项,编写专著7部,在Journal of Hydrology、Hydrology And Earth System Sciences、Plant and Soil、Hydrological Processes等TOP期刊发表重要国际影响力科研论文,担任Water Resources Research专刊编委、Diversity-Basel专刊编委,CATENA、Geoderma、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Environmental Management、 Ecological Indicators、Environmental Impact Assessment Review、Environmental Research、Geoscience Frontiers等期刊审稿人。

2020.12–至今, 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,高级工程师,海北站副站长

2018.01–2020.12, 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,高级工程师(项目聘用)

2014.07–2020.12, 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,工程师

2012.09–2014.07, 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,生态学,博士(导师曹广民研究员)

2009.09–2012.07, 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所,生态学,硕士(导师曹广民研究员)

2004.09- 2008.07, 宁夏大学,生物科学,学士(导师陈彦云研究员)



海北站副站长、中国材料与试验标准委员会资源与环境检测分技术委员会委员、中国科学院西北高原生物研究所司法鉴定所环境损害司法鉴定人、Water Resources Research专刊编委、Diversity-Basel专刊编委。

中国科学院西部青年学者;青海省自然科学与工程技术学科带头人;青海省昆仑英才拔尖人才;中国科学院西北高原生物研究所2018“先进工作者”;2018年度中科院兰州大型仪器区域中心先进个人;中国科学院西北高原生物研究所 2020?“先进工作者”;《冰川冻土》优秀论文-青藏高原季节冻土区土壤冻融过程水热耦合特征;2022年度中科院兰州大型仪器区域中心先进个人。


1.Dai, L., Fu, R., Guo, X.*, Du, Y., Cao, G., & Hu, Z. (2023). Biocrust reduced soil water retention and soil infiltration in the alpine Kobresia meadow. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 2023, 1-25.

2.?Dai, L., Fu, R., Guo, X.*, Du, Y., Zhang, F., & Cao, G. (2023). Variations in and factors controlling soil hydrological properties across different slope aspects in alpine meadows. Journal of Hydrology, 616, 128756.

3.?Dai, L., Yuan, Y., Guo, X.*, Du, Y.*, Ke, X., Zhang, F., ... & Cao, G. (2020). Soil water retention in alpine meadows under different degradation stages on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125397.

4.?Dai, L., Guo, X.*, Zhang, F., Du, Y., Ke, X., Li, Y., Cao?G.*, & Peng, C. (2019). Seasonal dynamics and controls of deep soil water infiltration in the seasonally-frozen region of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Journal of Hydrology, 571, 740-748.

5.?Dai, L., Guo, X.*, Ke, X., Du, Y.*, Zhang, F., & Cao, G. (2021). The variation in soil water retention of alpine shrub meadow under different degrees of degradation on northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Plant and Soil, 458, 231-244.

6.?Dai, L., Ke, X., Du, Y., Zhang, F., Li, Y., Li, Q., ... & Guo, X.*?(2019). Nitrogen controls the net primary production of an alpine Kobresia meadow in the northern Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 9(15), 8865-8875.

7.?Dai, L., Fu, R., Guo, X.*, Ke, X., Du, Y., Zhang, F., ... & Cao, G. (2021). Evaluation of actual evapotranspiration measured by large‐scale weighing lysimeters in a humid alpine meadow, northeastern Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. Hydrological Processes, 35(4), e14051.

8.?Du, Y., Ke, X., Dai, L., Cao, G.*, Zhou, H., & Guo, X.*?(2020). Moderate grazing increased alpine meadow soils bacterial abundance and diversity index on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 10(16), 8681-8687.

9.?Dai, L.*, Fu, R., Guo, X.*, Du, Y., Hu, Z., & Cao, G. (2021). Alpine shrub had a stronger soil water retention capacity than the alpine meadow on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 133, 108362.

10. Dai, L., Fu, R., Guo, X.*, Ke, X., Du, Y., Zhang, F., & Cao, G.* (2021). Effect of grazing management strategies on alpine grassland on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Ecological Engineering, 173, 106418.

11. Li, J., Zhang, F., Du, Y., Cao, G., Wang, B., & Guo, X*. (2023). Seasonal variations and sources of the dew from stable isotopes in alpine meadows. Hydrological Processes, 37(9), e14977.

12.?Si, M., Guo, X.*, Lan, Y., Fan, B., & Cao, G. (2022). Effects of Climatic Variability on Soil Water Content in an Alpine Kobresia Meadow, Northern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, China. Water, 14(17), 2754.

13.?Li, J., Zhang, F., Si, M., Lan, Y., Li, B., Lin, L., Cao G.*, Guo, X.*?(2022). Response of Soil Water Storage to Meteorological Factors in Alpine Shrub Meadow on Northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Diversity, 14(3), 185.

14.?Lin, L., Cao, G.*, Guo, X.*, Li, Q., Qian, D., Du, Y., ... & Si, M. (2022). The Process of Soil Nutrient Stabilization in Micro-Patches in Alpine Kobresia Meadows. Diversity, 14(8), 656.

15.?Guo, X., Dai, L., Li, Q., Qian, D., Cao, G., Zhou, H., & Du, Y. (2020). Light grazing significantly reduces soil water storage in alpine grasslands on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Sustainability, 12(6), 2523.

16.?Guo, X., Dai, L., Zhang, F., Li, Y., Lin, L., Li, Q., ... & Du, Y. (2020). Effects of increased precipitation and nitrogen deposition on methane uptake of alpine meadow in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: in situ experiments. Polish Journal of Ecology, 68(2), 109-120.

17.?Guo, X., Zhou, H., Dai, L., Li, J., Zhang, F., Li, Y., ... & Wang, B. (2021). Restoration of degraded grassland significantly improves water storage in alpine grasslands in the qinghai-Tibet plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science, 3005.

18.Guo X., Du Y., Han D., Xu X., Zhang F., Lin L., Li Y., Liu S., Ouyang J., Cao G.*. (2015). Effects of Landuse Change on CH4 Soil-Atmospheric Exchange in Alpine Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 24: 1593-1602.

19. Guo X., Du Y., Li J., Liu S., Han D., Li Y., Lin L., Zhang F., Oyang J., Cao G.*. (2015). Aerobic methane emission from plant: comparative study of different communities and plant species of alpine meadow. Polish Journal of Ecology 63: 223-232.

20. Dai, L., Fu, R., Zhao, Z., Guo, X*., Du, Y., Hu, Z., & Cao, G. (2022). Comparison of fourteen reference evapotranspiration models with lysimeter measurements at a site in the humid alpine meadow, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 854196.

21.?Dai, L., Fu, R., Guo, X.*, Du, Y., Zhang, F., & Cao, G. (2022). Soil moisture variations in response to precipitation across different vegetation types on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 854152.

22.?Qian, D., Li, Q., Guo, X., Fan, B., Lan, Y., Si, M., & Cao, G. (2023). Ecosystem services relationship characteristics of the degraded alpine shrub meadow on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 13(7), e10351.

23. Wang, X., Zi, H., Wang, J., Guo, X., Zhang, Z., Yan, T., ... & He, J. S. (2023). Grazing-induced changes in soil microclimate and aboveground biomass modulate freeze–thaw processes in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 357, 108659.

24.?Lan, Y., Fan, B., Guo, X., Si, M., Li, B., Qian, D., & Lin, L. (2023). Effect of grazing management strategies on the vegetation parameters and soil nutrients in alpine Kobresia pygmaea meadow on the northeastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Conservation, 48, e02680.

25. Wang, Y., Pei, W., Cao, G., Guo, X., & Du, Y. (2022). Response characteristics of grassland ecosystem biomass to grazing intensity in China. Grassland Science, 68(2), 193-201.

26.?Qian, D., Du, Y., Li, Q., Guo, X., Fan, B., & Cao, G. (2022). Impacts of alpine shrub-meadow degradation on its ecosystem services and spatial patterns in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 135, 108541.

27.?Dai, L., Fu, R., Guo, X., Du, Y., Lin, L., Zhang, F., ... & Cao, G. (2021). Long-term grazing exclusion greatly improve carbon and nitrogen store in an alpine meadow on the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Catena, 197, 104955.

28.?Dai, L., Guo, X., Ke, X., Lan, Y., Zhang, F., Li, Y., ... & Du, Y. (2020). Biomass allocation and productivity–richness relationship across four grassland types at the Qinghai Plateau. Ecology and Evolution, 10(1), 506-516.

29.?Qian, D., Cao, G., Du, Y., Li, Q., & Guo, X.?(2019). Impacts of climate change and human factors on land cover change in inland mountain protected areas: A case study of the Qilian Mountain National Nature Reserve in China. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 191, 1-21.

30.?Dai, L., Ke, X., Guo, X., Du, Y., Zhang, F., Li, Y., ... & Cao, G. (2019). Responses of biomass allocation across two vegetation types to climate fluctuations in the northern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Ecology and evolution, 9(10), 6105-6115.

31.?Dai, L., Guo, X., Du, Y., Ke, X., Cao, Y., Li, Y., ... & Zhang, F. (2019). Thirteen‐year variation in biomass allocation under climate change in an alpine Kobresia meadow, northern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Grass and Forage Science, 74(3), 476-485.

32.?Du, Y., Zhou, G., Guo, X., & Cao, G.?(2019). Spatial distribution of grassland soil organic carbon and potential carbon storage on the Qinghai Plateau. Grassland science, 65(3), 141-146.

33.?Du, Y., Ke, X., Guo, X., Cao, G., & Zhou, H. (2019). Soil and plant community characteristics under long-term continuous grazing of different intensities in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan plateau. Biochemical systematics and ecology, 85, 72-75.

34.?Dai, L.,?Guo, X., Ke, X., Zhang, F., Li, Y., Peng, C., ... & Du, Y. (2019). Moderate grazing promotes the root biomass in Kobresia meadow on the northern Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. Ecology and evolution, 9(16), 9395-9406.

35.?Du, Y., Shu, K., Guo, X., & Pengjin, Z. (2019). Moderate grazing promotes grassland nitrous oxide emission by increasing ammonia-oxidizing archaea abundance on the Tibetan Plateau. Current Microbiology, 76, 620-625.

36.?Cao, Y., Ke, X., Guo, X., Cao, G., & Du, Y. (2018). Nitrous oxide emission rates over 10 years in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 27(3), 1353-1358.

37.Du, Y., Guo, X., Zhou, G., Cao, G., & Li, Y. (2017). Effect of grazing intensity on soil and plant δ15N of an alpine meadow. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(3), 1071-1075.

38.?Du, Y., Guo, X., Cao, G., Wang, B., Pan, G., & Li Liu, D. (2016). Simulation and prediction of nitrous oxide emission by the water and nitrogen management model on the Tibetan plateau. Biochemical systematics and ecology, 65, 49-56.

39.?Du, Y., Guo, X., Cao, G., & Li, Y. (2016). Increased Nitrous Oxide Emissions Resulting from Nitrogen Addition and Increased Precipitation in an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25(1).

40.?Zhou, X., Ma, A., Chen, X., Zhang, Q., Guo, X., & Zhuang, G. (2023). Climate Warming-Driven Changes in the Molecular Composition of Soil Dissolved Organic Matter Across Depth: A Case Study on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(44), 16884-16894.


(1) 国家野外科学观测研究站 观测技术规范生态系统与生物多样性, 科学出版社, 2024-03, 参编

(2) 祁连山南麓高寒草甸植被-气候与生产力研究, 兰州大学出版社, 2023-09,主编

(3) 中国生态系统定位观测与研究数据集:2004-2015:草地与荒漠生态系统卷:青海海北站, 中国农业出版社, 2021-12, 副主编

(4) 青海草地资源及其可持续发展, 四川民族出版社, 2022-12, 参编

(5) 草地与荒漠生态系统过程与变化, 高等教育出版社, 2019-10, 参编

(6) 中国草原的生态功能研究, 科学出版社, 2017-06, 参编

(7) 海祁连山地区生态环境与小流域综合生态治理, 中国林业出版社, 2017-10, 参编


1.国家重点研发专题项目:基于分区分级与不同恢复手段组配的退化生态系统土壤近自然修复技术, 2023.09-2026.08,主持

2.国家重点研发专题项目:高寒矿区开发对水文、生态要素变化的影响过程与机制, , 2022.09-2025.08,主持



5. 国家自然科学基金委青年项目:基于同位素示踪的高寒草甸碳氮分配格局对草毡表层加厚的响应,2018.01–2020.12,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金委重点项目子课题:高寒草甸水源涵养功能的生物效应及其发挥机制,2018.01–2022.12,主持

7. 青海省自然科学基金面上项目:青藏高原高寒草甸用水模式和水循环通路研究,2020.01–2021.12,主持

8. 青海省重点研发与转化计划国际合作专项:高寒草地水分蒸散发、入渗过程及其模型模拟研究,2021.01–2023.12,主持
